The University participates in a Shared Governance system to allow community input in the direction of the institution. As part of this process, the Information Technology Team at UDM has been tasked with collecting data regarding the usability of YuJa Media Library. We are asking all members of the university community to complete the survey to the best of their abilities by end of day Friday February 28th. The goal is to gauge awareness and effectiveness of the platform.
If you are faculty, it would be greatly appreciated if you would share this survey with your students (via Blackboard, email, in class etc.) to collect more data. Especially if you have used YuJa for your class(es).
YuJa’s Media Library lets us share media more efficiently. Video in particular, but also audio, images, and PDFs. Video (and audio) uploaded to YuJa is automatically captioned, and captions can be edited if necessary.
This survey is anonymous. However, should you wish to be included, you can provide your contact information at the end of the survey for a chance to win a $25 gift card! While you are sharing your contact information, the data will only be reported in aggregate and not associated with your individual responses.
To Note: Throughout the survey as we refer to "YuJa", we are referring to YuJa Media Library.